Impact of Elevation on DO Saturation
Lake Washington Real-Time Model
EWRI Conference - Estuarine Salinity Intrusion and Implications for Aquatic Habitat: A Case Study of the Lower St. Johns River Estuary, Florida
Battelle Conference Poster: A Multi-Scale Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Model of the Portland Harbor Superfund Site
Enhancing Water Quality to Protect Salmon in the Lake Washington Ship Canal
Modeling of Cyanobacteria Vertical Migration
Addressing Salinity Impacts in the Saint John River: Insights and Solutions
NALMS Conference Paper: Comparative Study of Heat Exchange Options and Turbulence Closures in Modeling Lake Mendota's Thermal Behavior
NALMS Conference Paper: Integrating Multi-Source Spatial, and Temporal Data for the Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of a Water Quality Model in Lake Mendota
NALMS Conference Paper: Enhancing Hydrodynamic Modeling for Managing Temperature in Urban Water Systems: A Case Study of Lake Washington and the Ship Canal
Ports 25 Conference Paper: on Enhanced Propeller Wash Modeling for Mitigation of Sediment Resuspension in Port Environments